Ultra Refined Fish Oil Purity

Sea Logix Fish Oil

Life's Abundance Ultra-Refined Fish Oil is TWICE AS POTENT
& 100's TIMES MORE PURE than Health Food Grade Fish Oils

Each batch of Lifes Abundance ultra refined fish oil is tested for purity and potency by an independent third party laboratory. You can view the test results and learn more about the high standards used to produce Lifes Abundance fish oil at the IFOS (International Fish Oil Standard) Website. Scroll down the page and look for Life's Abundance then click on the batch you would like to see.

Ultra-refined fish oil has some very specific characteristics:

- Concentration of EPA and DHA > 60%

- Concentration of Mercury <10 ppb

- Concentration of PCB's < 45 ppb/g

- Concentration of Dioxins < 1 ppt

Because of these rigid and exacting specifications, there is only a limited supply of this type of omega-3 fish oil. It takes 100 gallons of health food grade fish oil to make one gallon of ultra refined fish oil. This means that you get the highest standards of ultra refined fish oil which is a great source of beneficial omega-3 long chain fatty acids.

Although this more refined fish oil costs 10-20 times more than health grade fish oil, the price of Life's Abundance per gram of EPA and DHA is kept as low as possible (see below).

Lifes Abundance™
Refined Fish Oil

Sealogix Fish Oil.


Retail $65.95
Autoship $57.95
8 fl oz bottle

(45 day supply)

Retail $44.95 
Autoship $37.69
120 capsules
(30 day supply)

Click to Learn 
About Autoship

Why Lifes Abundance
Ultra Refined Fish Oil?

> It is so pure and ultra refined, it contains 100's of times less PCB's than cod liver oil and health food grade fish oil.
> It is ultra concentrated with twice the EPA/DHA potency and double the nutrition found in health-food grade fish oil.
> Most people will not experience mild gastric upsets often found with high doses of a health-food grade fish oil supplements.
> We believe you'll never find this quality of an omega-3 fish oil supplement in any medical or health food store, nor from any direct mail company. The benefits from Life's Abundance fish oil supplements are also much greater than eating fish.

One teaspoon of the liquid Lifes Abundance ultra refined oil contains 2.7 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (1.8 grams of EPA and 0.9 grams of DHA). Four capsules of Life's Abundance fish oil contain 2.4 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (1.6 grams of EPA and 0.8 grams of DHA). For comparison purposes, one tablespoon of cod liver oil contains approximately 2.5 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Type of Fish Oil Supplement
Compare Cost Per Gram

Price Per
Gram of
Lowest quality health-food grade $0.30
Molecular distilled health-food grade $0.54
Lifes Abundance Ultra Refined Fish Oil Liquid $0.46
Life's Abundance Ultra Refined Fish Oil Capsules $0.52
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Copyright © 2003 - 2016, FishOilRx.com  3/25/2025